The Archive of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989

A Catch-22 December 1989, Groundhog-Day Production. Presenting the Personal Research & Scholarship of Richard Andrew Hall, Ph.D.

Vladimir Tismaneanu: Not Just a Vengeful Megalomaniac, but CIA and SPM Documents Prove Him Wrong on Dec. 1989

(purely personal views, as always)

WATCH THIS SPACE…the 15th Anniversary of the so-called Tismaneanu Report is coming (how do we know? VT is already commemorating it…Andrei Muraru was hardly wrong when he lampooned the hagiography of VT and his clients on the Fifth Anniversary of the CPADCR Final Report )…it would be one thing if, Tismaneanu had just tried to get me fired from my workplace in October 2007 because he is an individual of titanic and toxic vanity (my job was threatened for 16 days)…but what I had written on a private, personal blog was correct…and now we know…because official documents (declassified CIA and witness depositions and materials from the Romanian Military Procuracy) reveal just how horrible the chapter in the Final Report on the Revolution of December 1989 is…THE PAST IS COMING, Dr. College Park and Mr. Hide…to be continued…

before we engage on some of the above topics, it is worth examining Tismaneanu’s PUBLIC Facebook page…yes, if you dare to disagree or criticize, you are or will be, rapidly blocked or purged, as Tismaneanu repeats every so often, with pleasure and gusto (be thankful, you have escaped, at least he hasn’t yet? tried to get you fired!)…One doesn’t have to agree with the leftist Vasile Ernu, for example, to agree with his claim that Tismaneanu uses different language and narratives for different audiences…in Romanian, for example, I can attest to Tismaneanu’s rather amazing gutter (plin de mahalagisme) vocabulary…which varies greatly with the always noble, exaltant triptychs in English he churns out: “Truth, Trust, and Tolerance”…he piously intones…to his either still or previously ignorant non-Romanian speaking audience…

Tismaneanu tells us how he abhors and studiously avoids JEALOUSLY, HATE, RESENTMENT, etc…no, he is the creature of noble values and timeless relationships (hohote de ras)…for example, how many people who don’t read Romanian realize his jihad against Andrei Muraru…I would not have believed it…I almost feel dumb for not recognizing it…but a multinational cadre of intellectuals, Romanianists and Romanians, all of whom at one time or another respected Tismaneanu, have told me…that Tismaneanu is PISSED…because first Radu Ioanid…and then Andrei Muraru, who replaced him at the helm of the IICCMER (after Tismaneanu himself had done the same to Marius Oprea), were appointed Romanian Ambassadors, to Israel and the US respectively…why? because Tismaneanu so obsessed with himself has believed for a longtime and lobbied for (despite his denials) an AMBASSADORSHIP (yes, many myths about Tismaneanu had fallen through the years, but I underestimated his vanity and envy here).

But of course, that wasn’t enough, Tismaneanu who tells us he abhors sychophants (more on this later, how about asking Traian Basescu and the plagiarist Marius Stan below about that one!) and assails Andrei Muraru as one…threatened back earlier this year that he was so disgusted (disgusted that he was to find out later that Basescu, aka “Petrov” was not just a Securitate informer while a student, but worked for the Securitate internally in Constanta, and then externally in Antwerp during the Ceausescu era? of course not!), that his nemesis Andrei Muraru had been appointed Ambassador to the US, that HE THREATENED TO RENOUNCE HIS ROMANIAN CITIZENSHIP! Months later, Tismaneanu CEL MAI BRAV, has somehow forgotten about his earlier posts (but then again, for Tismaneanu, rewriting the past is a lifetime project connected to the center of his universe, himself)…luckily, the internets as they call them, remember public pages…for those who know Romanian, enjoy the bonfire of the vanities here…

(if you don’t know Romanian ask someone who does or use a translator to get a gist…ah, yes, Tismaneanu hates hate and jealousy and resentment and personal attacks, blah blah blah…his words speak for themselves…for those who only know English, many will be surprised…with time you won’t be…there is a lesson in life…people are not always what they seem, how they present themselves…Vladimir Tismaneanu is case in point and a sad demonstration of this reality)

Vladimir Tismaneanu1tSpohngrsiotred  · MANKURTIZÁRE (de asemenea, mancurtizare) s. f. Amnezie, uitare provocată intenționat; supunere. Consilierul prezidential Andrei Muraru si gratele sau geaman Alexandru au fost creati, inventati, nascociti de infractorul Relu Fenechiu. Consilierul prezidential Andrei Muraru este consecinta directa a puciului parlamentar din vara anului 2012. Un puci la care actualul presedinte al Romaniei a consimtit (ma exprim eufemistic). Consilierul prezidential Andrei Muraru a fost numit presedinte executiv al IICCMER de catre premierul uselist Victor Ponta. Scriu aceste randuri a propos de biografia atent cosmetizata care bantuie prin presa a celui care, se pare, a fost ales de presedintele Klaus Iohannis pentru a-i succede lui George Maior ca ambasador la Washington. Nu mai departe decat acum cateva zile Valeriu Nicolae scria in “Libertatea” despre gemenii fenechii. Sa fiu eu singurul care a citit acel articol? Sunt multe, chiar foarte multe de spus. Dar nu voi face eu treaba jurnalistilor romani… Ma voi multumi, deocamdata, sa-i sugerez domnului Iohannis numirea celuilalt geaman intr-un post influent la aceeasi ambasada. Afacerile se fac mai sigur in familie. In plus, identici fiind ca infatisare, pot actiona la marea deruta… Oricum, un nou succes al “Observatorului Cultural” si implicit, al firmei “Musat si Asociatii”. Asemeni secretarei de stat de la Cultura, Iulia Popovici, Andrei Muraru este unul dintre colaboratorii de vaza ai oficiosului Ministerului Corectitudinii Politice. Este impresionant cum stie dl Iohannis sa-si recompenseze amicii si amicele. Un atol de gratitudine intr-un ocean al nerecunostintei… Oricum privim lucrurile, este o numire strict politica dictata de logica de tipul donnant-donnant. Ce i-a dat si ii da dl Iohannis lui Andrei Muraru e vizibil, documentabil, fara echivoc. Ce i-a dat si ii da Andrei Muraru d-lui Iohannis e mult mai putin clar si documentabil. Undeva, banuiesc, Felix isi freaca satisfacut mainile. In fine, avem ambasadorul GRIVCO la Washington. Domnuler presedinte Iohannis, ingaduiti-mi sa va spun direct, cu deplin respct si cu deplina poltete: Numirea lui Andrei Muraru ca ambasador la Washington nu serveste interesul national al Romaniei. Am renuntat la cetatenia romana sub intimul totalitarismului comunist. Am redobandit-o, la cerere, in 2010. Mi-e teama, domnule presedinte, ca se apropie momentul celei de-a doua renuntari… PS Sper ca ma inseala memoria, dar parca imi amintesc de semnaturile unor frati Muraru prin 2003-2004 intr-o revista cu nostalgii verzi, adica legionaroide, numita “Cuvantul romanesc” din Hamilton, Canada……/oamenii-care-conduc-radioul-…/relu-fenechiu-condamnat…

Vladimir TismaneanutSpons4ocremlnd  · Acest trecut care refuza sa dispara: Elemente pentru intregirea portretului consilierului prezidential Andrei Muraru, propus de dl Klaus Iohannis ca ambasador la Washington. Intre timp, fostul presedinte al PSD, candidatul prezidential uselist Mircea Geoana si-a anuntat sprijinul (solicitat sau nu?). Dl Geoana este inalt functionar NATO. Poate ca ar fi mai intelept sa se abtina de la partizanate politice ostentative. Povestea ambasadorlacului murariot devine palpitanta. Brigada Grivco in actiune… Personalităţile care se leapădă de Institutul de Cercetare a Crimelor Comunismului | Romania Libera Cercetători de prestigiu din mediul academic internaţional solicită ca numele lor să nu mai fie asociate cu Institutul de Cercetare a Crimelor Comunismului ca protest faţă de modul în care acesta este condus acum. Una dintre …

Vladimir Tismaneanu5tSrpofnsohrSeds  · Pe vremea cand gemenii Muraru participau la organizarea unui festival autentic romanesc, cu radacinile infipte in iarba verde a tarii si in freamatul neaos al “padurii cu fiare{“. Intre timp, valurile burselor i-au indepartat de mai vechile afinitati si compromitatoarele rubedenii. Dar, cum imi amintea candva un domn care semna “Hanibal Lecter: “Pe vremuri se spunea, nimic nu se pierde, totul se transforma. Azi spunem, nimic nu se pierde, totul se stocheaza”. O intrebare pentru domnul Iohannis: Ati fi numit ambasador la Washington un personaj care a facut parte din comitetul de organizare al unui festival in care erau onorati “martirii” nazisti? Ori poate ma insel eu si “Caminul” in cauza este un fel de club cultural satesc. Chiar si asa, acolo se afla busturl lui Nae Ionescu si “Nae Ionescu Cultural Center”…/

Vladimir Tismaneanu9etSpeonscorrehd  · A quest is for me is an endless search for something, a moral engagement, an unbending commitment to a number of values. First and foremost: Trust, truth, tolerance… Image: February 26, a year ago, in the East Wing at the National Gallery.

Vladimir Tismaneanu5tShtpongsaoored  · Am scris aici ca nu vreau sa fac eu treaba jurnalistilor din Romania. Subiectul metamorfozelor lui Andrei Muraru ma plictiseste nespus. Omul intruchipeaza mediocritatea banala ori, daca vreti, banalitatea mediocra. Oricum, nu eu sunt subiectul zilei, ci consilierul prezidential propus sa conduca Ambasada Romaniei din Washington. Motiv pentru care postez un superb tablou de Marie Laurencin aflat la National Gallery of Art din capitala Statelor Unite… “Why should I paint dead fish, onions and beer glasses? Girls are so much prettier….” — Marie Laurencin “Girl with a Dove” by Marie Laurencin (1928) at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

Vladimir Tismaneanu1tSepoansaorhted  · Nu am fost niciodată consilier al vreunui partid politic din România. Nu am candidat niciodată pentru vreun post in România (parlamentar, europarlamentar, ambasador etc). Mi-am rostit deschis punctul meu de vedere, iar când am greșit, mi-am asumat public eroarea. Nu mă interesează niciun fel de recunoaștere oficială a acțiunii mele publice. Ea se desfașoară exclusiv și integral in funcție de principiile mele. Nu am primit niciodată niciun fel de salariu in România. Sunt un profesor american născut la Brașov pe 4 iulie 1951. Sunt un intelectual public. O condiție pe care mi-a asum cu bucurie si mândrie. Toate acestea imi dau, sunt convins, dreptul să spun ceea ce cred despre responsabilităti si culpabilităti. Este limpede pentru mine că PSD, urmaș al PCR si al FSN, este blestemul acestei țări. Tot ce poate slăbi puterea sa este binevenit și trebuie sprijinit. Este o mafie lipsită de orice urmă de patriotism, un grup de paraziți care distrug, sistematic, metodic și pervers, România. Repet, nu am nici cel mai mărunt interes personal in a lupta contra acestor borfasi. Dar, in viață, valorile primează, iar, eu unul cred in valorile care fac posibilă societatea deschisă… Textul de mai sus a aparut aici, exact acum un an, pe 1 martie 2020. Incepuse pandemia, eram cu totii socati, derutati, infricosati. Intre timp am aflat ca sunt “rasist”, ca Universitatea din Bucuresti (mai precis, conducerea ei) “se delimiteaza” de pozitiile mele (pe vremuri se spunea “dusmanoase”), ca urmaresc sa obtin tot felul de sinecuri in Romania, ca o fragila constructie, fara buget si sediu, dar cu publicatii internationale si cu un Consiliu Stiintific de maxim prestigiu, cum era Centrul Hannah Arendt, nu are de ce sa existe. Totalitarism? O vorba de dansii inventata! Mai nou, am aflat ca rezervele mele, cat se poate de serioase in legatura cu posibila numire a consilierului prezidential Andrei Muraru, fruntas al camarilei Grivco, sunt de fapt legate de dorinta mea de fi eu ambasador. Cu alte cuvinte, visul meu ar fi sa ma pensionez de la o mare universitate de cercetare americana pentru a deveni subordonatul domnilor Iohannis, Citu si Aurescu. Pandemia pare sa fi intrat pe curba descendenta. Resentimenul meschin, mediocru, stupid, se amplifica insa de la o zi la alta. De-a lungul anilor, am tinut zeci de prelegeri pentru diplomatii americani care urmau sa plece in Europa de Est si Centrala. Idem la Wilson Center unde sunt Global Fellow. O voi face in continuare. Nimic special, doar un fapt. La fel, voi scrie si voi edita carti, voi participa conferinte, voi organiza colocvii si simpozioane, voi concepe si voi preda noi cursuri. Voi scrie articole pe blogul meu de la Radio Europa Libera Moldova. Et la vie continue…

Vladimir Tismaneanu

8tSponsmsorlhedr  · Credeam ca numirea sicofantului Andrei Muraru ca ambasador la Washington a atins culmea ridicolului. Ipochimenul are de-a face cu diplomatia cat am eu cu necromantia. Ori si mai putin. Ei bine, m-am inselat. Se vorbeste acum despre mereu ingrijoratul sifonier de la Cotroceni ca posibil secretar general NATO. Ma intreb ce-ar avea de zis Radio Erevan despre acest subiect. Good night and good luck…


(Tismaneanu loves dedications…dedications to long lists of famous people in “the (European) Republic of Letters”–oh how he hopes they will have room for him in the Mausoleum–…not quite in that tradition, however, I shall dedicate this to some of the people at my Political Science Ph.D. alma mater. To Cristina Ilias Ilioaia, I am eternally indepted for the moral support she showed me while writing my dissertation; unfortunately, her uncritical embrace of Vladimir Tismaneanu is her undoing. To Maria Bucur, well I can’t say much, although I somehow suspect that Tismaneanu’s “fat shaming” and “look shaming” of female Romanian academics (especially Alina Mungiu Pippidi, who Tismaneanu cannot stand in part because she won the Lipset prize and writes for Journal of Democracy) and politicians via photo choice on his public FB page is probably not to her liking. To Jeffrey Isaac, he represents the unscrutinized, undigested embrace and promotion of Tismaneanu because he doesn’t know Romanian, just Romanian intellectuals, mostly introduced by VT, and cannot deal with the cognitive dissonance of being told things that clash with his belief in his intellectual friend…could it be that friendship can blind one to the very truth and values one extolls?)

It is truly hard to measure where the boundless hypocrisy regarding Vladimir Tismaneanu’s endless proclamation of the “values” he claims to stand for begins or ends.

There is of course the case of former President Ion Iliescu. During the 1990s, Iliescu was the mortal enemy of democracy and therefore of Vladimir Tismaneanu, according to Tismaneanu. But then, after Iliescu was reelected in 2000, after 4 years out of power, in 2002-2003, Tismaneanu was writing a book length interview with Iliescu and touring various media outlets promoting the book. At that time, for Tismaneanu, Iliescu had showed that he had learned democracy. No matter how Tismaneanu tries to portray the book, whether in Romanian or English, it is clear that this was no hostile interview. Tismaneanu’s friendships based on shared “values” became very strained, and he was vilified in the media for rehabilitating Iliescu. Then Iliescu’s term came to an end late 2004. Tismaneanu had suffered criticism for the better part of a year. Suddenly, Tismaneanu declared to the world: he had been wrong, Iliescu had not reformed, he was as bad as ever. The basis for this last minute reconversion? Iliescu had given a state award to the ultranationalist Ceausescu court poet, Corneliu Vadim Tudor, and Tismaneanu was shocked, absolutely shocked (enter Claude Raines…). During 2004, Tismaneanu was so marginalized he had taken to publishing (for money, which is not why he did it, ego is why he did it) articles in Dan Voiculescu’s Jurnalul National. In late 2004-early 2005, Voiculescu was in fact an important final piece added to get Traian Basescu across the finish line as the new President. But then in 2006, Voiculescu and Basescu, both with ties to the former Securitate, fell out of favor with one another for various reasons, and voila, Voiculescu’s Securitate dossier shows up and his background is declared public. Tismaneanu’s self-defense? In 2004, Voiculescu’s Securitate background was not official! Now, Tismaneanu and virtually anyone who had studied Romania in the post-communist era, knew exactly who Voiculescu was in 2004. But no, this time, Tismaneanu’s alibi is that Voiculescu’s background had not been declared official when he had written and gotten paid by Voiculescu’s publication.

Of course, by 2005, Iliescu and Voiculescu were now in the rearview mirror. Tismaneanu’s credibility could begin to recover. According to the genuine Ceausescu era dissident the poet Dorin Tudoran (Tismaneanu was no Ceausescu supporter, but to call him a dissident is absurd, as anyone who went to school with him, or lived in his neighborhood, or worked with him will tell you…and they will, because Tismaneanu is such a person of character, they cannot help but tell you…), initially Tismaneanu, always the one to make far flung allusions and comparisons, was writing that Traian Basescu was a sort of Hugo Chavez! But wait, there’s more, the story is only getting started…Tismaneanu’s view of Basescu was about to go a radical change, Basescu was about to become a President who shared Tismaneanu’s “values,” a tireless fighter for Truth, Justice, and eternal liberal values…