The Archive of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989

A Catch-22 December 1989, Groundhog-Day Production. Presenting the Personal Research & Scholarship of Richard Andrew Hall, Ph.D.

“ancheta (incepand de la februarie 1990) a fost condusa de procurorul Dan Voinea de la Directia de cercetari penale…” (Radu Filipescu, “Dosarele Securitatii: Cazul Gheorghe Ursu,” 22, (nr. 14, 20 aprilie 1990) p. 10.

“In cladirea fostei directii de cercetari penale a Securitatii Statului, ancheta a fost condusa de procurorul Dan Voinea de la Directia de cercetari penale a Armatei, transformata apoi in directie a SIR (sic.) (Serviciul de Informatii Roman).” 

Click to access 14_1990.pdf

This probably explains, Dan Badea’s description from 2009:  “…iar ofiţerii trecuţi în rezervă de la „cercetări penale” urmau a fi înlocuiţi cu procurori. Interesant, aici, este faptul că unul dintre procurorii care au fost repartizaţi pentru scurt timp la această ultimă direcţie invocată (Cercetări Penale) a fost procurorul Dan Voinea, cel care avea să se ocupe apoi de Dosarele Revoluţiei.” .  The talented, but unfortunately also serial plagiarizer, Madalin Hodor, lifted this without citing it as follows:  “…că ofiţerii de anchete penale ai Direcţiei a VI-a trecuţi în rezervă urmau să fie înlocuiţi de „pro­cu­rori“ (Dan Voinea a fost detaşat în aceas­tă unitate embrio­na­ră pentru o scurtă perioadă înainte să „se ocupe“ de Dosarul Revoluţiei)…”

from my notes of 23 March 1994 (presumably from…the BAR…Biblioteca Academiei Romane):  it is important to realize (and hard to remember in retrospect) that Voinea was not very visible in 1994 and was associated almost entirely with his role in the trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu on 25 December 1989.

Dan Pavel (p. 11) “La sfirsitul lunii februarie a.c., amintirea Departumentului Securitatii Statului nu ramasese doar in dosarul anchetatorului.  Colonelul de justitie pe care il insoteam (pe nume de Dan Voinea si despre care ma intreb daca esta una si aceasi persoana cu Coriolon Voinea, colaboratorul generalului Gica Popa), mi-a oferit garnatii cu efect contrar calmului:  mi-a aratat pistolul ascuns discret in mapa dinsului.”

All of this puts in a new perspective and yields confirmation for the claims of Ion Baciu in his testimony of 18 January 1990 about the events of 20 December 1989…that he knew Dan Voinea already…

Colonel Ion Baciu: Pe 20.12.89 la orele 1010 la crematoriu a venit Lt. Col Voinea Dan…pe care-l cunosc intrucit inainte…a lucrat la Departmentul Securitatii Statului, directia cercetari penale.

Posted by romanianrevolutionofdecember1989 on December 20, 2013

[documentary evidence in support of the publication entitled:  Bullets, Lies, and Videotape:  The Amazing, Disappearing Counter-Revolution of December 1989,

strictly personal research, not for reproduction without prior author authorization]

unfortunately, the link is no longer operable here

luckily, Claude 2.0 saved an image from my own initial post of this!

23.01.1990 Declaratie:  Colonel Ion Baciu, șef al Direcției Economice din IGM,

(my thanks to researcher Mircea Munteanu, formerly of the CWIHP at the Woodrow Wilson Center, for helping me with the following transcription)

Pe 20.12.89 la orele 1010 la crematoriu a venit Lt. Col. Voinea Dan [[proc mil — procuror militar]] din D.P.M., pe care-l cunosc intrucit inainte de activare, a lucrat la Departmentul Securitatii Statului, directia cercetari penale.

Era imbracat civil, insotit de un procuror militar in uniforma.  Au discutat cu o femeie, Geta, nu-i stiu numele care i-a spus:  “[[Bine]] ca ati venit.  Toata noaptea au ars aici si [[oamenilor]] le este teama.”  Nu am auzit alte vorbe.  Au discutat cu aceia femeie [[ca. –circa]] 15 minute dupa care au plecat.

Cred ca au fost trimisi acolo fie de Popovici, fie de Diaconescu, pentru a vedea cum decurge incinerarea.

Solicit sa fie audiati Popovici Nicolae, fost procuror general, Diaconescu Gh, adjunctul acestuia si cei doi procurori militari…



from Ion Baciu’s hearing 12 March 1990

Baciu’s courtroom testimony (no reference made to his 23 January 1990 handwritten testimony above) was discussed by Vasile Surcel in the following article:

Iosif Emilian’s lawyer (in September 1991) indeed suggested the involvement of the Prosecutor General in giving the cremations legal cover/legitimacy, hence explaining the presence of Dan Voinea and his colleague at Crematoriul Cenusa on 20 December 1989 (he also references Geta on p. 725).  This is from the seventh volume of “Procesul de la Timisoara” available on the banaterra site.



But my use of the term “Orwellian” in the title of this paper is not only designed to capture Voinea’s uncanny ability to make definitive statements that are demonstrably wrong, to argue that black is white and white is black—from his denial of the use of gunfire simulators in December 1989, to his claim that the only “lunetisti” who acted after 22 December were from the Army, to his denial of the existence of weapons and (especially “vidia”) bullets not in the arsenal of the Army, to his denial of the existence of “terrorists,” to his denial that any military unit was attacked during the events, to his denial of the role of foreigners in the events….

I use the term “Orwellian” here as much to describe the ease with which he has gotten and gets away with errors, misunderstandings, and falsehoods that could easily be challenged, if not combated by his interlocutors in the Romanian media and intelligentsia.  For it is the fact that he has been able and is able to get away with all this that is truly “Orwellian” and that is indeed a tragedy for Romania’s citizens.  The tragedy is thus less the predictable “supply side” of the post-authoritarian lie, than the enthusiastic consumption and appetite for it.  This is why I believe, accurately I would argue, that “December 1989” long ago became more about post-Ceausescu Romania than about what happened in December 1989.