The Archive of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989

A Catch-22 December 1989, Groundhog-Day Production. Presenting the Personal Research & Scholarship of Richard Andrew Hall, Ph.D.

„Specialistii” din decembrie 1989 si dezinformarea lor pana azi

Posted by romanianrevolutionofdecember1989 on May 1, 2014

(as always, a strictly personal view based on two decades of research and publications, thank you; punct de vedere strict personal, va multumesc)


Lt. Maj. Cristian TRONCOTA, “Unele aspecte ale strategiei deznationalizarii romanilor in perioada dualismului austro-ungar (1867-1918),  revista Securitatea, nr. 4 (80) 1987, pp. 78-85,

Ah, yes, former Securitate officer Cristian Troncota who is promoted by Grigore Cartianu ( ; who in turn is promoted by Vladimir Tismaneanu ( ;

It shouldn’t be necessary to have to revisit this issue repeatedly but, in part because Romanians and Romanianists have either avoided confronting the details of the topic or have done so ineffectively, it remains necessary.  The latest in the current wave–tsunami–of former Securitate disinformation is Cristian Troncota’s article „Specialiştii” din decembrie 1989 in VITRALII-LUMINI ŞI UMBRE, an V, nr. 18, martie-mai 2014, pp. 39-47



One thing is readily apparent from reading this article:  Lt. Maj. Cristian Troncota would do well to talk to some former USLA troops about the identities and “cover” used by some of the “Soviet tourists” discussed specifically or in general in his article, because they were indeed “special” (for why this is critical, see here:


As page 41 suggests, the stake is ultimately not just to cast doubt on what happened post 22 December 1989–a subject the former Securitate are intimately familiar with but to muddy the waters and raise doubts about the very origins of the popular uprising against Nicolae Ceausescu in Timisoara.

Unfortunately for Troncota and the former Securitate, high-ranking Securitate officials dispatched to Timisoara found nothing of the sort at the time.

Generalul Emil Macri (seful Dir. II-a Securitatii, Contrainformatii Economice),

Declaratie 2 ianuarie 1990:

“Rezumind sintetic informatiile obtinute ele nu au pus in evidenta nici lideri si nici amestecul vreunei puteri straine in producerea evenimentelor de la Timisoara.  Raportarea acestor date la esalonul superior respectivi generalului I. Vlad a produs iritare si chiar suparare…”


Filip Teodorescu (adj. sef. Dir III Contraspionaj D.S.S.), Declaratie, 12 ianaurie 1990:  Seara [luni, 18 decembrie 1989], dupa 23:00, responsabili (anumiti ?) de generalul-maior Macri Emil pe diferitele linii de munca au inceput sa vina sa-i raporteze informatiile obtinute.  Au fost destul de neconcludente si cu mare dificultate am redat o informare pe care generalul-maior Macri Emil a acceptat-o si am expediat-o prin telex in jurul orei 01:00 [marti, 19 decembrie 1989.  In esenta se refera la: –nu sint date ca ar exista instigatori sau conducatori anume veniti din strainatate… IMG_1453

For more such declarations, see


Troncota claims above that Securitate Director General Iulian Vlad reported “clearly and unequivocally” about the involvement of the Soviets in Timisoara as of 20/21 December.  Curious, since there appears to be no mention of such in the following final report to Nicolae Ceausescu:

published in Evenimentul Zilei, 28 iulie 1992, p. 3.





2 Responses to “„Specialistii” din decembrie 1989 si dezinformarea lor pana azi”

  1. mariusmioc said

    Domnul Troncotă mi-a comentat:

    Minciunile istoricului Cristian Troncotă. Declaraţia lui Iulian Vlad în procesul revoluţiei de la Timişoara

  2. romanianrevolutionofdecember1989 said

    Marius, apologies for the delay in approving your link. I had my “moderate all comments” feature on for the past six months it appears.

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