The Archive of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989

A Catch-22 December 1989, Groundhog-Day Production. Presenting the Personal Research & Scholarship of Richard Andrew Hall, Ph.D.

Posts Tagged ‘Gino Rado’

25 for the 25th Anniversary of the Romanian Revolution: #3 “Anti-terrorism” and Regime Repression

Posted by romanianrevolutionofdecember1989 on December 17, 2014

(Purely personal views as always, based on over two decades of research and publications inside and outside Romania)

2014 marks the 25th anniversary of the collapse of communism in central and eastern Europe–Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania.  This series looks at 25 things I have learned about the events of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989.  The numbering is not designed to assign importance, but rather–to the extent possible–to progress chronologically through those events.

Significance:  At one time the existence and importance of Interior Ministry Order 02600 (1988) in the regime repression from 16 to 22 December 1989 was essentially undisputed.  Indicative of the braziness of former Securitate revisionism is that by 2011, in the pages of what many regard as the most “anti-communist” Romanian daily, Evenimentul Zilei, Alex Mihai Stoenescu would argue the opposite, Loviturile Securităţii care i-au fost fatale lui Ceauşescu >

In the previous episode, I examined the role of Securitate vandalism and attacks in justifying a legal pretext for regime repression ( .  In this episode, I examine one of the juridical bases for regime repression:  Ordinul 02600 (1988) al Ministerului de Interne.  Once it could be argued that “terrorst” or “extremist” actions had taken place, it stood to reason that “anti-terrorist” personnel (in Romania of the Ceausescu era, the USLA) could be deployed in accordance with the law as it existed at the time.  And so it was…

In Miodrag Milin’s compendium of the transcripts of the Timisoara trials , on 5 March 1990 defendant Ion Popescu (former chief inspector of the Militia) acknowledged the implementation of Order 2600 beginning on 16 December 1989 as follows.




Acţiunile forţelor de represiune din Ministerul de Interne | 16-20 Decembrie 1989 |
16 Decembrie 1989
Activitatea pastorului László Tőkés era atent supravegheată de o echipă a Securităţii Timiş, condusă de maiorul Radu Tinu. Lucrătorii Securităţii urmăreau cu atenţie evenimentele care se derulau în faţa Bisericii Reformate. După ce tramvaiele din Piaţa Maria au fost oprite de către manifestanţi, protestul celor aflaţi acolo s-a transformat radical. Dacă iniţial timişorenii s-au adunat la Biserica Reformată pentru a se împotrivi evacuării pastorului László Tőkés, din acest moment protestul s-a radicalizat, cerându-se, pentru prima dată, schimbarea lui Ceauşescu, exprimată prin scandarea primei lozinci: „Jos Ceauşescu!”. În acel moment a avut loc şi prima altercaţie între manifestanţi şi efectivele Ministerului de Interne şi s-au făcut primele arestări.
Colonelul Popescu Ion, inspectorul-şef al Inspectoratului de Interne Timiş, în baza Ordinului 02600 din 1 iulie 1988, pune în aplicare planul unic de acţiune, desfăşurând în Timişoara trupele de intervenţie avute la dispoziţie. Astfel, au intrat în dispozitiv: 2 plutoane de intervenţie dotate cu căşti, scuturi şi bastoane, trei subunităţi de la Brigada de Securitate şi două subunităţi de la Trupele de Grăniceri. La Consiliul Judeţean au intervenit în forţă, bătând şi arestând o mare parte din manifestanţii aflaţi în zonă.

from Expres, 1991, all but two parts compromising articles 15-21 of the order…


25 for the 25th Anniversary of the Romanian Revolution: #1 The Securitate Deny Foreign Instigation of the Timisoara Uprising

25 for the 25th Anniversary of the Romanian Revolution: #2 Shattered Glass: Securitate Vandalism to Justify Timisoara Crackdown

Posted in decembrie 1989, raport final | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments »

Asociatia Memorialul Revolutiei 16-22 decembrie 1989 Timisoara. Centrul National de documentare, cercetare si informare publica privind revolutia din 1989.

Posted by romanianrevolutionofdecember1989 on September 9, 2014

(purely personal views as always, based on two decades of prior research and publications, thank you)

–The contrast between, on the one hand, people who lived these events on the ground twenty-five years ago and have spent years attempting to tell the story of December 1989 and, on the other, the insular, elitist, and utterly disconnected Romanianist community in North America, could not be greater as the 25th anniversary of the overthrow of Nicolae Ceausescu’s communist regime and the Romanian Revolution of December 1989 approaches.

Just discovered that the Special Issue of the Asociatia Memorialul Revolutiei 16-22 Decembrie 1989 Timisoara (’s journal is now available online (see link above).  My thanks to Marius Mioc for bringing my research to the attention of Gino Rado and for Gino Rado reaching out to me and for the Editorial Board being willing to publish my research.  This edition includes part 1 of my article and I believe part 2 will appear in a later issue of the journal.







Posted in decembrie 1989 | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

25 for 2014: 25 Things You Should Know about the Romanian Revolution on the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of Nicolae Ceausescu’s Communist Regime: #3 “Anti-terrorism” and Regime Repression

Posted by romanianrevolutionofdecember1989 on February 21, 2014

(Purely personal views as always, based on over two decades of research and publications inside and outside Romania)

2014 marks the 25th anniversary of the collapse of communism in central and eastern Europe–Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania.  This (likely aperiodic) series looks at 25 things I have learned about the events of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989.  The numbering is not designed to assign importance, but rather–to the extent possible–to progress chronologically through those events.

Significance:  At one time the existence and importance of Interior Ministry Order 02600 (1988) in the regime repression from 16 to 22 December 1989 was essentially undisputed.  Indicative of the braziness of former Securitate revisionism is that by 2011, in the pages of what many regard as the most “anti-communist” Romanian daily, Evenimentul Zilei, Alex Mihai Stoenescu would argue the opposite, Loviturile Securităţii care i-au fost fatale lui Ceauşescu >

In the previous episode, I examined the role of Securitate vandalism and attacks in justifying a legal pretext for regime repression ( .  In this episode, I examine one of the juridical bases for regime repression:  Ordinul 02600 (1988) al Ministerului de Interne.  Once it could be argued that “terrorst” or “extremist” actions had taken place, it stood to reason that “anti-terrorist” personnel (in Romania of the Ceausescu era, the USLA) could be deployed in accordance with the law as it existed at the time.  And so it was…

In Miodrag Milin’s compendium of the transcripts of the Timisoara trials , on 5 March 1990 defendant Ion Popescu (former chief inspector of the Militia) acknowledged the implementation of Order 2600 beginning on 16 December 1989 as follows.




Acţiunile forţelor de represiune din Ministerul de Interne | 16-20 Decembrie 1989 |
16 Decembrie 1989
Activitatea pastorului László Tőkés era atent supravegheată de o echipă a Securităţii Timiş, condusă de maiorul Radu Tinu. Lucrătorii Securităţii urmăreau cu atenţie evenimentele care se derulau în faţa Bisericii Reformate. După ce tramvaiele din Piaţa Maria au fost oprite de către manifestanţi, protestul celor aflaţi acolo s-a transformat radical. Dacă iniţial timişorenii s-au adunat la Biserica Reformată pentru a se împotrivi evacuării pastorului László Tőkés, din acest moment protestul s-a radicalizat, cerându-se, pentru prima dată, schimbarea lui Ceauşescu, exprimată prin scandarea primei lozinci: „Jos Ceauşescu!”. În acel moment a avut loc şi prima altercaţie între manifestanţi şi efectivele Ministerului de Interne şi s-au făcut primele arestări.
Colonelul Popescu Ion, inspectorul-şef al Inspectoratului de Interne Timiş, în baza Ordinului 02600 din 1 iulie 1988, pune în aplicare planul unic de acţiune, desfăşurând în Timişoara trupele de intervenţie avute la dispoziţie. Astfel, au intrat în dispozitiv: 2 plutoane de intervenţie dotate cu căşti, scuturi şi bastoane, trei subunităţi de la Brigada de Securitate şi două subunităţi de la Trupele de Grăniceri. La Consiliul Judeţean au intervenit în forţă, bătând şi arestând o mare parte din manifestanţii aflaţi în zonă.

from Expres, 1991, all but two parts compromising articles 15-21 of the order…


25 for 2014: 25 Things You Should Know about the Romanian Revolution on the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of Nicolae Ceausescu’s Communist Regime: #1 The Securitate Deny Foreign Instigation of the Timisoara Uprising

25 for 2014: 25 Things You Should Know about the Romanian Revolution on the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of Nicolae Ceausescu’s Communist Regime: #2 Shattered Glass: Securitate Vandalism to Justify Timisoara Crackdown

Posted in decembrie 1989 | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments »